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Resources and

Bereavement Information Pack

Alongside our advice service we have also produced a comprehensive information which contains practical advice that you can access immediately. The pack cover several topics such as:

What to do in the Event of a Death



Money and Finances

Bereavement Advice

Legal Support

We will be continually updating this pack with the latest information and advice for those who need it. If you would be interested in having physical copies of the pack please feel free to let us know and we can get those arranged for you.

To download the full pack click the button below, the pack is also available to read on this page.


Resources for BN(O) Visa Holders

We have adapted our Low Income Support Pack for the British National (Overseas) visa holder families in Liverpool to include services targeting BN(O)s and now it is bilingual. It provides a list of services that would be useful to low income families both with and without the No Recourse to Public Funds condition attached to their visa. Do check back for the most updated version from time to time. However, if you need help with your visa conditions, please seek independent immigration advice.

我們為居於利物浦的英國國民(海外)簽證家庭準備了低收入人士支援小冊子,內容改編自本中心一直提供的資訊,加入為 BN(O)簽證持有人提供的服務,雙語並列。小冊子介紹了對低收入家庭有用的本地服務資訊,和一些已經移除「不得訴諸公共資金」的簽證條件後可以申請的服務。請回到本網站參考小冊子的最新版本。如需有關簽證條件方面的協助,請尋求獨立的移民法律意見。

Low-Income Support Pack

Make an appointment or send an enquiry via our form below

Contact Us

If you would like to contact us in regards to an appointment please call, leave a message, email or fill out the below form and we will get back to you.

We provide this service to residents of Vauxhall, Liverpool and to residents of the Liverpool City Region.

Tel: 0151 360 7777

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