GMB Members Advice & Support
Advice for GMB members
& their families
We provide advice across all areas of social welfare law for all GMB members and their families including general help. This will typically provide members with support on claims for PIP and other disability benefits. Additionally support will be available for claims of all other welfare, housing and income related benefits at tribunal level if necessary.
This advice will be delivered through a range of access channels:
Tribunal & court representation as and when required.
Referrals to specialist providers as and when required.
We can help with
Advice and guidance on completing benefit application forms including:
Personal Independence Payments including reviews
Universal Credit
Employment and Support Allowance Work Capability forms
Child Disability and Living Allowance
Attendance Allowance
Carers Allowance
The majority of forms can now be requested either online or downloaded. We can help you complete both online and paper forms.
Advice on disputing and reconsidering benefit claims.
Advice and help to complete online appeals
We can complete online appeal forms for you and advise you fully on the appeals procedure as well as offer you representation at Hearings where appropriate, up to and including Upper Tribunals.
Representation at Benefit appeal Tribunal Hearings, including Upper Tribunals
Benefit Entitlement Advice including:
We can advise you on benefits you may be able to claim and how to claim them
Better off calculations for people of working and retirements ages, adults and children with disabilities
Carers and mobility support through availability of road tax and bus pass concessions and the Blue Badge scheme.
How you may be able to obtain Discretionary Payments and Welfare Assistance Support if you are in financial hardship.